The smoothly traveling river flows through the landscape, not far unlike ordinary scene.
It shifts into a rushing twisting mess, and finally rapids.
Gravel rasped at his body. The great force of the water pulling and pushing him like a rag doll.
He felt himself risen in the water, freedom of moment returned as the weight of the water lifted from his body. "Vooruuggle" fresh pain flowed through his body, but the water flowed away from him. The stinging water left the eyes, and sound took its place and the rest of the senses followed.
He felt different, but the pain and the near drowning made it hard to tell. Soon the salt teared out of his eyes. He laid there looking around on the sandy beach under great cliffs. Exoitic bird's chirps filled the air.
I wasn't expecting locals, but its hard to pick know example where the survivors get jumped expecting them. At least it wasn't those blasted birds. The natives were not human, not that is even a good comparison for myself any more.
It didn't take long to figure out the language used, at least that is what I thought, everyone knows so many different languages it is more amazing to know only one.
Said locals were called Sarnaks. From what I understood they have only been around in force for the last dozen generations. The level of coordination, tactics, and scheming was simply amazing to me. They took and used every resource they had, this included people like me getting put into a partially productive job.
I had been dumped into the military, then the scouts bucket for the short rats like me, followed by the miscellaneous bin of sorts. My primary was a strange sort, Jacob was one of the minorities running any sort of military position. He was a human but he still towered over me. The actual training I was given was to stab things and which way to hold the sword, every thing self was untrained and free form. It is amazing that bin I was in actually got any thing, from what I understood he just set his men loose and random things got done.
The secondary and tertiary, that stick around with Jacob told me that once I get deployed I should just ask if any thing needed stuff done, both of them confirmed this from personal experience that it works.
I don't understand that a working military could even function with this, however it is clear that the rest of the military works like expected.
He dropped me in the middle of no where, at least relatively on such a isle.
The river then again from rapids to crooked river then once again rapids.
Three weeks... he was dumped out of the middle of reletive nowhere. Among his many exploits include...
Killing aviaks, killing crabs, killing more aviaks, going fishing, killing lizards, killing more aviaks, more lizards, more aviaks, and followed by killing a assaulting force of aviaks, their captain, and ride a griffin back.
Get sent next door.
Kill pirates, kill crabs, kill lizards, harvest a splattering of naturally accruing resources. Blast boats of pirates with magical blasty potion. Kill more pirates. Kill raptors, capture Glassador, Tag/kill lizard dogs, kill several boats worth of pirates. Their second mate and captain, riding their griffen back and forth for said captain killing.
Get sent else where.
Kill great apes, kill and poison ettins, Kill/steal the metaphysical manifestation of skeletons. Kill panthers, kill more raptors and killer plants. Get sick of that. Head out to dismantle the actual entirety of the Aviak's society. by... Killing Fishers, Killing Sap tappers, Killing egg care takers, Killing Archivist, Killing their current leader... Not to mention while doing so poisoning their whole city with harmless until tiggered by a magical blast of doom. (which in the end wasn't used because it would... say kill a entire race to "Deader than dead" status and bring the wraith of the gods upon the Sarnaks.)
Finish that blahblah, go kill at least another few dozen Aviaks, sort out what is happening, enable sarnak to kill at least 4 dozen aviaks in one go. So yeah... Busy month.
I had killed so much... so many so many.... so many...
For that reason I took a break and decided to craft.
Already done crafting, it seems that what profession I choose made steroids for fighters it seems. (skill upgrades, how do those work for fighter types?)
And so I leave this isle that I didn't really care for, without any true connects to Jacob and at least a few hundred kills in my name, meh... And so I left for Butcher Block Mountains.
I should have started this earlier, this was a quick spam spam spam spam and spam, update to get this to the point that my character is at the moment in game, at level 23. I just have to make sure I write a bit per level up with every thing that I did fresh in my mind.
Currently level 23 Ratonga Brigand, level 15 scholar.