Following the same... Family, given, chosen, and claimed.
Tenth, Met, Shale, and no active claimed.
The Tenth family. Which may or may not be the actual tenth formed family.
The given name Met because his parents thought it sounded fancy and from another language.
Shale another simply because he liked it.
He is fairly naive about how the world works. Once he makes a decision he sticks to it, adversely he rarely gets a chance to make such decisions for himself.
Tends towards fight or flight. Is the nervous type, tends to cling to familiar grounds.
Is a reasonable judge of character.
He was sent to SeizedPort due to lack of discipline, he was not fairing too well in his assigned role.
He had the talent to become a Spell thief, but the required skills to be military level alluded him. With no other skills the management dumped him over in SeizedPort on a equally troublesome agent, with the hope that maybe something productive will come of it.
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