Tuesday, November 4, 2008

4e : First successful game with little sisters.

A few odd hours ago, I managed to drag my little sisters upstairs.

Used the mystical quick start thing I got in town for 17$.

It was just a bunch of good cardboard push outs, it worked quite well.

And lots of tokens for monsters, that some how fit in my "Take to DnD" Box, that has my dice and miniatures inside it.

The game I had with my two littlest sisters. (11 and 13? or was it 12 and 14? I don't pay attention to my sisters ages really.)
Played the example battle.

5 goblins, 2 darkblades, and 3 warriors, whimpy skirmisher warriors.

It took about 30 minutes to resolve the fight, and that was a feat on our part.

I controlled two DMNPC's. the only two character sheets I had written out, and my little sisters took form the two quick start books I had, granted I had to look at them for the wizard ability.

It was fun, my odd comments here and there made my little sisters gag on their root beer.

When I brought up what was on the table, serveral mugs of rum, or another drink, mayberry(the 14 year old?) got up and pulled out the soda's.

Mayberry also attempted to do that grand scottish accent, she needs to practise, I can do it some what, but in general if I am going to DM I need loads of silly accents.

The fight was steam rolled into smash, many comments about anime blood per body flew...

"With a mighty swing of your mual, you some how spill more blood then Flameku. that must be a sharp hammer." (flameku is my littlest sister.) Yay alias's.

Tomorrow I will see about the next fight, and writing out their character sheets, Flameku's homebrew race... she wants to be a bunny. heh.

BUNNY OF DOOM! and stabbitys.

that works.

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