Friday, August 14, 2009

The tower of really tall, Session log part 1.

Alright, after we got into town, and every one is ready to go, we start...

Temporary party members... Ispithouth?
Bella goes outside and uses the mac giffin(Magical horn that stuns the lot of us.), portal opens, and the whole party enters.
We end up in a jungle, filled too the brim with alcoholic fruit, and we find out later actually reverses aging.
Wonder about some, we find some locals the run from us, unclothed people, who eat fish and beer on a vine.
Cue foes that soon attack the helpless no-tech ageless humans, we move in, stabby stabby, slash slash, they run off, but not without loses.
We camp... and surpise, we are attacked at night, whoorah, they kidnap serah, and that lasts for a good uh, dozen sessions, they also take the horn we used to get here.

We kill off most of them in that fight, but a lucky uhh... 5? The number of these things were never defined, got away.

They escape on a Motar boat clam thing, that you poke their organs like in morrowinds striders.

Some time later, we follow them, after learning that Ispowath(I couldn't write it down on a note during the session ether.) was from this world, and we got our own super motar boat clams, and followed. (And got lots of food, dispite that we can just summon it now.)

We cross the 20(0?) mile sea, I can't remember what our DM defined it as such, but it took us 90 day'ish to get to the monoleth in the center.

We started climbing and we reached the second level after two months of climbing, and sleeping on ridges.

Defining world characteristics.
It's a giant tower, with lot's of space between each level, and the level them selves take months too transvurse.

Foes encountered, Gruel. (You are likely to be eaten by a Grue! not so much.)
Discription. Small, stout furred creatures, about on par with dwarves in stattuire, unclothed except for a belt and his weapon. (Scimatar if I remember right.)
Estemated stats.
Hp : 50'ish (I can't remember, but I think I mentioned when first fighting these things, that they had more health then I did. Pure fighter with lucky hitdie rolls.)
AC : -3 (I had lot's of problems, for one, the lower level characters needed too literally roll a critical hit, IE a 20, to do any thing helpful besides not get hit. this was handwaved with that they had thick fur, Bleh... That wouldn't help that much. giving better then PLATE(AC 1), and no dex bonus, as they were never discribed as agile.)
THACO : 20-18 (Unknown.)
Weapon : Scimatar, 1d8, no damage bonus.
Loot, Daggers and unknown rations of some sort.

And that's part one.

The colletor, and the tower of really tall.

Update on my DnD game, second edition.

Current status.
Current arc duration, roughly a year. (I think our games pace really needs to change next arc.)
Nearing climax, one or two games off, or in worse case, 4 if we manage to stall some how. (Not that I would mind, trying to get levels enough that I won't be turned into dust if some mildly nasty monster looks at me.)

Current players.
Rob . THE DUNGEON MASTER... Of lack of Dungeons? I haven't been in one recently.
Zack . Jusrain, Antlantian druid. (My new character, Level 1. I'll post some thing up on Myrddin's demise next.)
Judy . Sandtaina , Human Cleric of Val(Homebrew.) (Our cleric! whose level 8, the highest out of all of us, though all of the exp for healing team mate's must have helped. We spend so much time in negitives.)
Anglia . Elsa , Human wizard (7'th level... I Think. recently started throwing more fireballs, whoohoo! ... I hope for no friendly fire.)
Todd . Scarlet . Human rogue. (Level... 5? Only guy (Out of him and me, actually.) whoes playing a female character, currently undead, with a invisable lower body... That heals people. Yeah...)
Julie . Bellanova , Half-elf Ranger (Level 7'th. Be wary, Vorpal sword and critical fumbles HURT. Poor Elsa.)
Dixy . Deandra , Elf Fighter (Cue snooty elfness, and confusion!)

Mostly Absant of late.
Victor . Dargnaur , Dwarven cleric (Got too level 4 before death, new character is also a antlantian, and his name means milk in SPANISH! Whoorah.)
Debby . Logan , Human fighter (A girl playing a guy! Le'gasp!)

Alright, oh wait... I just relized that I'd be summerizing from the last update... That's a... lot...
I think I am better off just writing it up in parts, this should also get me some steam even if I'll end up staying up a bit to long... I must forge on!

Attempted writing.

I have been trying to force my self to write, to do any thing that is defined as improvement on that skill, perhaps the shooting star I saw with my fitting wish will help... perhaps is all a psyoclogy thing, and I just need to dive in?

How ever this goes though, it's gonna kick my butt.

And that's not even factoring collage soon'ish right after the month is out, and I still don't have the books I need.



Activity, what in this strange world does that word mean?!


I blame EVE on my lazyness.