Oops, didn't update for the last sessions, I don't remember it well besides that the whole group got back together, another PC fighter joined the party, and that we kept heading north.
Oh and... Elsa (Our wizard) Got de-footed by Bellanova's new vorpal sword... OF DOOM!
In character shes devastated, in RL shes just annoyed that she managed to do it, it's a mistake... and our DM. whoo hoo... Stop giving us disabling injurys when we don't have a 9'th level cleric to regenerate them.
This session was... strange, and it felt a bit longer then normal, it might be that we started almost on time, and that we kept going for a bit after we slept... more on the sleeping part too.
We returned to the party this session heading foward form the river of painful death... (Of such I didn't quite remember, but to sum it up, Bella is now undead, and Lumpkis is now a Satyre, whoo... that and we have a giant white ape with the party named Sheeva, who saved me.)
We headed on, Lumpkis at the head, his vision picked up a female... and I said my vision followed him... in reality that'd be happening I guess, and... CUE TREE OF DEATH.
With nypmth type creature next to it... who said she loved me and the mean man over there wants to hurt her, and that I need to stop him...
I failed my non-existant check! Why does Constitoution factor into that? kinda glad it wasn't INT or WIS... or the Dreaded dumpstat CHA. (13, 10, and 9 respectively. I need to see if theres any boons I get with a 13 INT as I am no caster.)
And the DM kept saying that hes after "Your woman." and... yeah, I ended up roleplaying it. "GET AWAY FORM MY WOMEN KNAVE!"
(Stab, 5 damage, it was mostly a win-win for the party that I didn't have say... my specilised weapon, other wise it'd be painful for mr, lumpkis.)
There was a bit about a talk about the female characters, seeing a dude over there. heh.
So we traded blows, second round the tree enlarged me, and the cleric ended up healing me as she had no idea what was going on, infact no one did.
Several crys of "DIE KNAVE!" and the like form me as I tried to stab him at 10ft tall, with a STR of 19... hmmm +7 damage.
The round after the tree gave me a fire enchantment on my weapon... I missed, I ended up getting hualed about and grappled by the Ape, Cleriance stabbed me twice in the buns, and I K.O.'d.
I was glad I was K.O.'d other wise I might have killed the dwarf... satyr... thing.
The dwarf got thrown... wait Satyr, what ever, was thrown into the tree, of such tried to eat him, when he was inside the mouth. (Not quite all the way) He taunted Lillie, Elsa's intillegiant staff... Ker zap, 10d6 lighting damage... by my dice, did 16 due to save, other wise he'd have been very... VERY dead.
We got him out of the tree, we got healed up, and we headed out.
It got to be 6, we kept going until 8 in game. we found a cave and camped.
Bella took first watch with her undieing and perfect vision in the dark now that she was... dead, whoo?
And my watch was next, I got up, stoked the fire, and... she was still up, outside, but the cat she had with her for the last no idea how long came in, turned into a ... seesh Female of (Made a Con save to see if you can rip your gaze form her boobs.) Seesh, I am not that kind of person in realife, and I'd expect my character to have displine. ... I rejected her then she transformed again into a bat monster and SUCKED MAH BLOOD!
... Bella came in hearing my yelp and got crumpled by the vampire of dooooooom, then she got Elsa... who crawled to me and sucked my blood out of my leg... whoo... and then I was blood less I crumpled and K.O.
I woke up with a start, checked for bite marks.
looked over at Sheeva that then had Fangs too...
Wake up AGAIN...
And wake up every one ELSE.
... checked for bite marks again.
Took my watch for real this time, freaken dreams.
How ever I told the DM I was looking at the other party memebers for fangs, espeiccally lumpkis. :P
... We headed out, got to the meatwall of the Evil druid... whoo.
Yeah, Wall of the bodys of adventurers, thats a good sign, how ever when I asked "Do they have any gear?" I was greeted by a "Why arn't you a rouge?" Type things. heh.
Well I needed a new bastard sword, and then it ended there, as how it goes with this party, it'd another 3 hours of game play if we did this place wrong.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
4e : First successful game with little sisters.
A few odd hours ago, I managed to drag my little sisters upstairs.
Used the mystical quick start thing I got in town for 17$.
It was just a bunch of good cardboard push outs, it worked quite well.
And lots of tokens for monsters, that some how fit in my "Take to DnD" Box, that has my dice and miniatures inside it.
The game I had with my two littlest sisters. (11 and 13? or was it 12 and 14? I don't pay attention to my sisters ages really.)
Played the example battle.
5 goblins, 2 darkblades, and 3 warriors, whimpy skirmisher warriors.
It took about 30 minutes to resolve the fight, and that was a feat on our part.
I controlled two DMNPC's. the only two character sheets I had written out, and my little sisters took form the two quick start books I had, granted I had to look at them for the wizard ability.
It was fun, my odd comments here and there made my little sisters gag on their root beer.
When I brought up what was on the table, serveral mugs of rum, or another drink, mayberry(the 14 year old?) got up and pulled out the soda's.
Mayberry also attempted to do that grand scottish accent, she needs to practise, I can do it some what, but in general if I am going to DM I need loads of silly accents.
The fight was steam rolled into smash, many comments about anime blood per body flew...
"With a mighty swing of your mual, you some how spill more blood then Flameku. that must be a sharp hammer." (flameku is my littlest sister.) Yay alias's.
Tomorrow I will see about the next fight, and writing out their character sheets, Flameku's homebrew race... she wants to be a bunny. heh.
BUNNY OF DOOM! and stabbitys.
that works.
Used the mystical quick start thing I got in town for 17$.
It was just a bunch of good cardboard push outs, it worked quite well.
And lots of tokens for monsters, that some how fit in my "Take to DnD" Box, that has my dice and miniatures inside it.
The game I had with my two littlest sisters. (11 and 13? or was it 12 and 14? I don't pay attention to my sisters ages really.)
Played the example battle.
5 goblins, 2 darkblades, and 3 warriors, whimpy skirmisher warriors.
It took about 30 minutes to resolve the fight, and that was a feat on our part.
I controlled two DMNPC's. the only two character sheets I had written out, and my little sisters took form the two quick start books I had, granted I had to look at them for the wizard ability.
It was fun, my odd comments here and there made my little sisters gag on their root beer.
When I brought up what was on the table, serveral mugs of rum, or another drink, mayberry(the 14 year old?) got up and pulled out the soda's.
Mayberry also attempted to do that grand scottish accent, she needs to practise, I can do it some what, but in general if I am going to DM I need loads of silly accents.
The fight was steam rolled into smash, many comments about anime blood per body flew...
"With a mighty swing of your mual, you some how spill more blood then Flameku. that must be a sharp hammer." (flameku is my littlest sister.) Yay alias's.
Tomorrow I will see about the next fight, and writing out their character sheets, Flameku's homebrew race... she wants to be a bunny. heh.
BUNNY OF DOOM! and stabbitys.
that works.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My 2e groups houserules.
Some of these rules make no sense to me, heck they might just be there because the longer time player have taken it to heart.
We are playing 2nd edition, with what it seems varous terms.
Two new stats, Luck, and perception!
Luck... is when the DM can't decide on what stat to role vurses, or when it's slim chance.
Perception... think spot/Listen/search, heh.
--- Quick draw
On top of weapon professiones, we have quickdraw, that we put on our focused weapon, so... we can freeaction draw our weapon, on top of that we also can put it on it many times.
Quickdraws. -Triple critcal percental
1 - free action draw and put away? - 80%
2 - Unknown... must bug DM - 75%
3 - Free retreive form ground - 70%
4 - 19-20 crit threat - 65 %
5 - Unknown - 60%
Not much else, but when I had a druid, he didn't tell me about a Taboo that applys to druid that make NO SENSE. BAH.
It seems that druids cannot eat horses... Aparently NATURE is tied so close to elves... (snooty snooty elves) that their taboo's effect nature. ... ... They consider horses PEOPLE.
... ... ELVES CANNOT BE DRUIDS!! ... beh.
He pulled it out of no where, so seesh.
Next time (if ever) I have a druid, I am going to ask my DM, to give me a FREAKEN TABOO LIST. BAH... at least my last character had a reason to not know, but COME ON ELVEN STUFF EFFECTING A DRUID?! ... I might have been a half-elf, but DAMMIT, that character most likely never had ANY chance to see horses!!!
OYaejrpogiahohitihy... /rant
We are playing 2nd edition, with what it seems varous terms.
Two new stats, Luck, and perception!
Luck... is when the DM can't decide on what stat to role vurses, or when it's slim chance.
Perception... think spot/Listen/search, heh.
--- Quick draw
On top of weapon professiones, we have quickdraw, that we put on our focused weapon, so... we can freeaction draw our weapon, on top of that we also can put it on it many times.
Quickdraws. -Triple critcal percental
1 - free action draw and put away? - 80%
2 - Unknown... must bug DM - 75%
3 - Free retreive form ground - 70%
4 - 19-20 crit threat - 65 %
5 - Unknown - 60%
Not much else, but when I had a druid, he didn't tell me about a Taboo that applys to druid that make NO SENSE. BAH.
It seems that druids cannot eat horses... Aparently NATURE is tied so close to elves... (snooty snooty elves) that their taboo's effect nature. ... ... They consider horses PEOPLE.
... ... ELVES CANNOT BE DRUIDS!! ... beh.
He pulled it out of no where, so seesh.
Next time (if ever) I have a druid, I am going to ask my DM, to give me a FREAKEN TABOO LIST. BAH... at least my last character had a reason to not know, but COME ON ELVEN STUFF EFFECTING A DRUID?! ... I might have been a half-elf, but DAMMIT, that character most likely never had ANY chance to see horses!!!
OYaejrpogiahohitihy... /rant
Recorded session 1
Heheheheh... Copy and paste form my Deviantart.
For the last few sessions, my group has been heading into the EEEVVVEEIILLL druids forest, or corrupted, ether way... we have to thin the herd.
In today's session, it went some thing like this...
We wake up, we start heading out, when it gets dark... Bellanova ( sees her mother... calling out to her... ker fail check... and she started wondering out there, soon after every ones panicked about where shes going, as the DMPC takes my light stick (stick with Cont.light on it)
and throws it forward revealing the foe, Evil tree... EVIL TREE.
with branches of doom?
I also role played freaking out, as my character is currently freaked out about the dark... big time. got hit by a bit of insanity and the light source was my security blanket of sorts.
The tree of EVIL with its mouth of "nomnomnom" almost got Bellanova.
Dessa quickly grabbed Bellanova, as the branches of doom went to drag her in, it already grabbed her bow arm after a quick shot into it's gut.
It became a tug-a-war, as when my character. (Who functionally failed his spot check) gets into it and simply cuts the branch holding on to her... a 19 to hit. with a total of -2 AC THACO, so that works, luck check that works fine, then ANOTHER to check if I get grabbed... The dice were with me at the time, heck the whole game I managed to keep my "Hot" die and my skill check die solid.
We simply backed off... and I declared. "If any one sees any thing STRANGE, yell out a warning!! no matter WHAT it is."
I don't think any one was paying attention... we set up camp
We whent through our watches, Me and Bellanova first, nothing happened, then Lumpkus and cleriace(How ever you spell it) and then Dessa and franklin... wait lumpkus and cleriance were last? Meh, ether way the cat the bellanova has did the "Face hugger" attack and then burrowed into his beard, waking EVERY one up.
And also found the goblin dead... before going to sleep he even Hugged us all, almost as a thank you.
WITH VAMPIRE BITES!! (The DM keeps telling us we never heard of vampires... even if this is a ravenloft setting!!)
(We also buried the goblin)
We got back to bed, woke up, figured out that the cleric can THANKFULLY make food and water, so I wasn't about to stave to death. (Ate my last ration the day before) and we set off. as we headed off, the forest parted and we happened across a rocky way... leading to a LARGE chasm, that's about 350ft wide... with a rickety rope bridge... Heheheh... we stood there dum-struck, with questions back and forth, who put up the bridge, why? and more importantly... HOW?! ... plus the chasm had no business there... there was a comment of "How are we going to get there safety" and a crackle of movement, stone and boulder grinding, as a Earth elemental formed and with a grinding "I can help!", scooping up, who else, Lumpkus!
It threw him two thirds of the way. ... his little winged helmet wasn't able to keep him aloft... he fell... into the chasm...
The elemental said "Opps... I'll do better next time."
Every one ran... to the bridge... full speed.
Of course the party is now down one member, and we all just started running across a Creaking bridge O' doom.
The first to fall was Dessa, Bellanova tried to save her, but went with her... foosh...
The rest of the remaining party kept running, as party member by member fell off.
The next was Elsa, shes like "Oh... I cast a floaty feather fall." It was countered by "Well, do you have it memorized?" Nope... she fell...
Franklin, Deandra, me, and clarance we're still on the bridge, running as quick as possible, checks all over to see if we fall... I kept making mine for some reason. The DM's smile grew as he "You hear such a loud screech that it cracks the boards you are running across, but after that you can't hear any more... your deaf now." also said that "If you look at franklin his eyes are wide with fear, looking off to the right."
I simply said "It's a roc isn't it?"
It was confirmed, oh joy.
I said that "I brake into a full sprint." still making checks, the next thing the DM said was that "The sun is blotted out by the roc."
Next moment, the roc tried to grab me, CRITICAL FAIL... heh, it crashed into the bridge, and ker-snap. the bridge and me wrapped around the roc, as every one else. namely Dessa and franklin swung to their deaths...
The DM tried to smoosh me with the ropes as the roc broke them, but I was lucky there too. (15 luck...
) and it turns out with another roll that the roc didn't even notice that I was on em. so... I was a passinger, I said "Ok... how am I going to get out of this? hmm, maybe wait until it falls asleep and cup-de-grace?"
Two minutes passed as I saw the rest of the forest that the group was going to travel through, and got to the glade... after a few the druid noticed me and made the ropes I was holding on to CRUSH ME... for 6d8? ... I had 9 hp.
After word, after game I had so many Idea's I might have well tried... and a few "What if's" Like what if I had the potion. (that the GOOD druid gave to us) to bio-bomb the glade, or try to get loose and CLIP the wings of the roc and steer him to the druid to crash, or plain leap off and try to impale him... with a dagger.
But nope... the druid looked at me, I said that I had a look of fear in my eyes... and GRACKAKWHGHHH!
I wasn't able to help but add "And I hear faint THUMPS in the distance before I black out"
It got a good snicker form every one.
I woke up screaming, it was a bad dream...
On the note of the fall... if terminal fall speed is 200ft per 1 seconds in dnd... and 2 minutes passed, that'd be 200 x 120, of such is 24000FT fall... now thats a chasm. I'd have to look up the rules, but that looks right. unless it's 200ft in 6 seconds, then that'd be 200 x 20 turns, 40000ft, no means as impressive...
Also every one wanted to throw some thing at the DM.
we set out on trek again, and the DM said "If you want to do every thing you did before in the dream, you can do it." they agreed and the game ended on a "Dang, Daja'vu."
Heheheheh... The game was awesome.
Ether way, I really never failed a check that game, ball curve... ewreahhh.
The events were mostly on a "Last game before Halloween" note, so... heh.
For the last few sessions, my group has been heading into the EEEVVVEEIILLL druids forest, or corrupted, ether way... we have to thin the herd.
In today's session, it went some thing like this...
We wake up, we start heading out, when it gets dark... Bellanova ( sees her mother... calling out to her... ker fail check... and she started wondering out there, soon after every ones panicked about where shes going, as the DMPC takes my light stick (stick with Cont.light on it)
and throws it forward revealing the foe, Evil tree... EVIL TREE.
with branches of doom?
I also role played freaking out, as my character is currently freaked out about the dark... big time. got hit by a bit of insanity and the light source was my security blanket of sorts.
The tree of EVIL with its mouth of "nomnomnom" almost got Bellanova.
Dessa quickly grabbed Bellanova, as the branches of doom went to drag her in, it already grabbed her bow arm after a quick shot into it's gut.
It became a tug-a-war, as when my character. (Who functionally failed his spot check) gets into it and simply cuts the branch holding on to her... a 19 to hit. with a total of -2 AC THACO, so that works, luck check that works fine, then ANOTHER to check if I get grabbed... The dice were with me at the time, heck the whole game I managed to keep my "Hot" die and my skill check die solid.
We simply backed off... and I declared. "If any one sees any thing STRANGE, yell out a warning!! no matter WHAT it is."
We whent through our watches, Me and Bellanova first, nothing happened, then Lumpkus and cleriace(How ever you spell it) and then Dessa and franklin... wait lumpkus and cleriance were last? Meh, ether way the cat the bellanova has did the "Face hugger" attack and then burrowed into his beard, waking EVERY one up.
And also found the goblin dead... before going to sleep he even Hugged us all, almost as a thank you.
WITH VAMPIRE BITES!! (The DM keeps telling us we never heard of vampires... even if this is a ravenloft setting!!)
(We also buried the goblin)
We got back to bed, woke up, figured out that the cleric can THANKFULLY make food and water, so I wasn't about to stave to death. (Ate my last ration the day before) and we set off. as we headed off, the forest parted and we happened across a rocky way... leading to a LARGE chasm, that's about 350ft wide... with a rickety rope bridge... Heheheh... we stood there dum-struck, with questions back and forth, who put up the bridge, why? and more importantly... HOW?! ... plus the chasm had no business there... there was a comment of "How are we going to get there safety" and a crackle of movement, stone and boulder grinding, as a Earth elemental formed and with a grinding "I can help!", scooping up, who else, Lumpkus!
It threw him two thirds of the way. ... his little winged helmet wasn't able to keep him aloft... he fell... into the chasm...
The elemental said "Opps... I'll do better next time."
Every one ran... to the bridge... full speed.
Of course the party is now down one member, and we all just started running across a Creaking bridge O' doom.
The first to fall was Dessa, Bellanova tried to save her, but went with her... foosh...
The rest of the remaining party kept running, as party member by member fell off.
The next was Elsa, shes like "Oh... I cast a floaty feather fall." It was countered by "Well, do you have it memorized?" Nope... she fell...
Franklin, Deandra, me, and clarance we're still on the bridge, running as quick as possible, checks all over to see if we fall... I kept making mine for some reason. The DM's smile grew as he "You hear such a loud screech that it cracks the boards you are running across, but after that you can't hear any more... your deaf now." also said that "If you look at franklin his eyes are wide with fear, looking off to the right."
I simply said "It's a roc isn't it?"
It was confirmed, oh joy.
I said that "I brake into a full sprint." still making checks, the next thing the DM said was that "The sun is blotted out by the roc."
Next moment, the roc tried to grab me, CRITICAL FAIL... heh, it crashed into the bridge, and ker-snap. the bridge and me wrapped around the roc, as every one else. namely Dessa and franklin swung to their deaths...
The DM tried to smoosh me with the ropes as the roc broke them, but I was lucky there too. (15 luck...
Two minutes passed as I saw the rest of the forest that the group was going to travel through, and got to the glade... after a few the druid noticed me and made the ropes I was holding on to CRUSH ME... for 6d8? ... I had 9 hp.
After word, after game I had so many Idea's I might have well tried... and a few "What if's" Like what if I had the potion. (that the GOOD druid gave to us) to bio-bomb the glade, or try to get loose and CLIP the wings of the roc and steer him to the druid to crash, or plain leap off and try to impale him... with a dagger.
But nope... the druid looked at me, I said that I had a look of fear in my eyes... and GRACKAKWHGHHH!
I wasn't able to help but add "And I hear faint THUMPS in the distance before I black out"
It got a good snicker form every one.
I woke up screaming, it was a bad dream...
On the note of the fall... if terminal fall speed is 200ft per 1 seconds in dnd... and 2 minutes passed, that'd be 200 x 120, of such is 24000FT fall... now thats a chasm. I'd have to look up the rules, but that looks right. unless it's 200ft in 6 seconds, then that'd be 200 x 20 turns, 40000ft, no means as impressive...
Also every one wanted to throw some thing at the DM.
we set out on trek again, and the DM said "If you want to do every thing you did before in the dream, you can do it." they agreed and the game ended on a "Dang, Daja'vu."
Heheheheh... The game was awesome.
Ether way, I really never failed a check that game, ball curve... ewreahhh.
The events were mostly on a "Last game before Halloween" note, so... heh.
Current party
Alright, I am going to use the blog for logging my DnD games, seeing that I started... 40+ sessions in, hah.
I used my www.Adalore.Deviantart.com page's journal thing to record some of my games, this is the first time that I recalled most of it though.
Lets see if I can add more details, I'll do a post on my groups Houserules too.
Dessa : 7'th lvl Female Human cleric of val(Homebrew deity) (The heal bot of the group)
Deandra : 6'th lvl Female Elf Fighter. Taking elven supiroutiy complexes to the next level... doesn't trust franklin nor myrddin. (I get these two mixed up)
Bella nova : 5'th lvl Female Half-elf Ranger. (Infamous for failing important checks, including perspection and tracking, and then those pesky Con checks. When she starts hitting things it's a event.)
Elsa : 5'th-ish? lvl Human female Wizard. (Suicidal wizard, whoes mostly "Hey I go over here! gleeeeee")
Lumpkus(sp) 6'th Lvl Male Dwarf Fighter. (Infamous for his terrible luck, DM has a house rule OF a luck stat we roll vurses... he has a 3. including LOTS of near deaths, I am truely awestruck.)
Myrddin 4'th Lvl Male Human Fighter. (Me) (I managed to lose my primary weapon, oh glee, so I am currently stuck with a DAGGER... +3 to damage how ever.)
Franklin DMNPC Male human ranger. Level unknown. (Cue plot device.)
Clarince BROWNIE OF ANNOYANCE MALE. (Travailing with us, has super evil dagger that makes Elsa's intelligent staff freak. as a woven beard of DESSA's hair... hes eeevviill)
Shell shocked goblin, was almost strung up to die last session... (and was, we got him down in time.)
In total, 6 PC's, and amazingly... the females are played BY females... ... All older then I am. heh.
I used my www.Adalore.Deviantart.com page's journal thing to record some of my games, this is the first time that I recalled most of it though.
Lets see if I can add more details, I'll do a post on my groups Houserules too.
Dessa : 7'th lvl Female Human cleric of val(Homebrew deity) (The heal bot of the group)
Deandra : 6'th lvl Female Elf Fighter. Taking elven supiroutiy complexes to the next level... doesn't trust franklin nor myrddin. (I get these two mixed up)
Bella nova : 5'th lvl Female Half-elf Ranger. (Infamous for failing important checks, including perspection and tracking, and then those pesky Con checks. When she starts hitting things it's a event.)
Elsa : 5'th-ish? lvl Human female Wizard. (Suicidal wizard, whoes mostly "Hey I go over here! gleeeeee")
Lumpkus(sp) 6'th Lvl Male Dwarf Fighter. (Infamous for his terrible luck, DM has a house rule OF a luck stat we roll vurses... he has a 3. including LOTS of near deaths, I am truely awestruck.)
Myrddin 4'th Lvl Male Human Fighter. (Me) (I managed to lose my primary weapon, oh glee, so I am currently stuck with a DAGGER... +3 to damage how ever.)
Franklin DMNPC Male human ranger. Level unknown. (Cue plot device.)
Clarince BROWNIE OF ANNOYANCE MALE. (Travailing with us, has super evil dagger that makes Elsa's intelligent staff freak. as a woven beard of DESSA's hair... hes eeevviill)
Shell shocked goblin, was almost strung up to die last session... (and was, we got him down in time.)
In total, 6 PC's, and amazingly... the females are played BY females... ... All older then I am. heh.
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